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Landing pages should be straight forward in bringing the information that the visitors are looking for. They should feel like a positive experience upon clicking on the search result list or initiated by your email so that the motions flows from opening the message to clicking through to responding to the call-to-action (CTA). Send these potential clients directly to what you offer with the CTA and prompt them to purchase your product, sign up for more information on the enewsletter, emailer or for enter details for downloads of ebrochure or coupons for future updates or promotions. Visitors tend to enter their profile if they feel that this is genuine content that they are reading, hence quality control over the hierarchy of your landing page not only gives your visitors clear message of the information but also guides them in doing what you want them to do. Impress your visitors with something that your business can offer so that they will return to your site as there are endless possibilities with potential visitors returning..
Just provide us with your contents and graphics to get the ball rolling. Not to worry if you can't write, ResultIT provides copywriting services so that you have quality contents that are also search engine optimisation friendly, matches your marketing campaigns and effectively captures your recipients. We also provide custom web design service for a our web packages.
ResultIT helps to create multiple landing pages and that you can store them as long as you want* and get them as specific as possible to different customer segments. You can also do your updates easily and instantly, at the same time add more contents to your website. Search Engines will find more relevant information on your website and display the link when people do a search. You still get the unique URLs like a page title and you can add meta tags to your pages and create relevant inter-page links within these landing pages and even to your website. It's almost like killing two birds with one stone.
With our Multi-Page Landing Page format, comes the feature to allow visitors or recipients the option to sign up on your Monthly eNewsletter or enter details for other useful information that you can provide visitors and thus giving you more information on your target audiences' profiles to analyse what will retain their interests better and result in their return to your site to do purchases or to check out updates. You can also use these information to tie up with either your email marketing or other online marketing campaigns. The tip is to always provide useful information or contents to keep these potential customers. Giving them the option to opt-out of your mailing list by stating a reason why they are not interested anymore and thus giving you information on how to improve your content. These potential clients will also get the impression that they can safely sign up anytime again for other information that they are more interested in either now or in future without getting fustrated with receiving on-going emails that they are not interested in and classify your mails as spam or blocked which will only lead to your lose of potential income.